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The Big Bang explained once and for all !! - By Mick Bartram - micktbart@yahoo.co.uk - 01493 748397 - 18\05\2024

By Mick Bartram - Former CSO and Computer Technician of IN-AP Systems

The smaller the divisor the bigger the quotient

Random Einstein stuff i have learn't

My main conjecture is that all you need is a void and a single particle to make a Universe !!, , ,,The ZERO void = ZERO MATTER-ENERGY and hence ZERO SPACE-TIME, and that becomes the infinitesimally small divisor of the particle, so there may of been no SPACE \ place where it happened and no TIME when it happened , but QED it did happen, so i believe that the void was not quite ZERO, allowing there to be some form of SPACE-TIME, I do not need to explain it in complex terms and mathematics, because the Big Bang event was fundamentally the simplest process you could imagine !! - the specific values 1) and then solution 2) are below !!

1) Here are some of my basics - Was the big bang probably caused by some kind of "Division by Zero", a mathematical oddity where 1 / 0 = infinity, a dividend of 1, with a divisor of zero equals a quotient of infinity, the smaller the divisor the bigger the quotient. The dividend of 1 is an infinitesimally small fundamental particle, and ok maybe not a divisor of zero, which some say is impossible, but a fraction of 1, an extremely small unimaginable value of say 10 to the minus googol, .01, not just the 1 zero but 100 zero's before the 1, (Q) So with a dividend of 1 that equals a whopping quotient of 10^{101 - 70} = 10^{31} x all the atoms in the Universe, ( The dividend of 1 is used to calculate the total number of atoms in the universe and the average mass 1.7 is used to give the total mass of the universe ), Obviously a divisor of 10 to the minus 70 would give a 1:1, our whole universe !!, ,

It really does not matter about the mass of the dividend, it can reduce as the divisor can to produce the same quotient in any situation, and can work in the opposite way. You can get a quotient of Atoms and Mass that equal 1 x 10^70 in 1000 different ways depending on how big the mass of the dividend is, with every different dividend mass there will be a divisor value that will produce the equivalent of 10^70, So the Big Bang could be any one of them, I have calculated the mass of the Universe to be the average mass 1.76 x 10^70, , incidentally you can get an 8 bit binary 00000000 that represents zero.

2) As with most good solutions, mine is short, sweet and very simple !!, , ,So a huge immense and an unimaginable amount of material \ energy at one point from next to nothing, just one infinitesimally small fundamental particle for what ever reason appears on its own in the void, and then divided by it, it is obvious to me that a total void is by definition ZERO, , so - Boom - Big Bang !! and the secret to the Creation of the Universe - Let There Be Light !!.

haha, , , i bet even Einstein, one of my science heroes didn’t see that one !!

Don’t it just blow your mind and make your head hurt !! - Mick Bartram

Calculating The Average Atom Mass of The Universe !!

Phewwww, trying to work out the average, the total mass of all the atoms in the universe divided by the number of atoms, to give me the average mass of the Universe.

Approximately 73% of the mass of the visible universe is in the form of hydrogen. Helium makes up about 25% of the mass, and everything else represents only 2%., so i have guesstimated it to be (+ 2% (73 + 100)) / 100 = 1.76, the average mass is 1.76, so 1.76 x 10^70 that equals the mass of the Universe. . For my reference, 1.76 x 10^70 to 17.6 × 10^69 and both being the same quotient - where the dividend decimal point has been moved one place to the right, and the multiplier has one zero removed. If we include the so called 95% Dark Matter\Energy, it equals 20 x 1.76 or the average mass 35.2

I have done some research, and no one knows what caused or why the Big Bang came about, , it is an unknown !!

My conjecture may be a Multiple Discovery, but I have never seen anything like it that explains the Big Bang, and nothing online !!

haha , , My Hawking Dig = Did the Big Bang come about from an exploding singularity, don't think so !!, the Big Bang was just to immense and energetic to come from or be contained by a singularity, it came out not in !!, has anyone ever observed an exploding singularity, , NO !!


REMEMBER !!, , , all you need is a void and a particle to make a Universe !!


Hmmmmm, , , Ages ago I noticed that the quotient 100 has one more zero than the divisor 0.01, SO!! 1 / 0.01 = 100 !!, , i have to incorporate that, it still applies to the vast values I am using, but i have now corrected it within 10^101

ha, , this is now going to get very Trippy !!

I have always been an atheist, but recently i now believe that something so simple and beautifully elegant had to be brought about by a creator !!, , , not a Christian or Islamic God, but a creator of my own idea and making !!, , , , haha, all thanks to the psychedelic Diphenidine it’s like DMT, 100% for real i was four times in his presence, a creator being and i was going to meet him, he led me on a journey, guiding me, it was so meaningful, and something big was going to happen, and it inspired me to make this post, ,it was so vivid and intricate with an overwhelming feeling of love, bliss and euphoria, and a cosmic orgasm, , lol, all four trips were very similar, , i wish i had some kind of recorder, because it was utterly amazing !!, I am 100% for sure, certain that I was in the presence of a creator being, it was undeniable !!, ,that was six years ago, but it is now like a dream you can’t quite remember

Scientists now believe that before you die, the brain releases trippy chemicals, Like David Labraccio says in FLATLINERS "I don't know, maybe there's some chemical or a hormone released from the brain at the time of death", I believe that the Diphenidine I took was similar to one of these, producing a state of mind, allowing you to meet your creator, , haha, , sounds like something straight out of the Twilight Zone, but it’s a great thought !!

When my mother died on Wednesday 30th June 2021 aged 85, it gave me great comfort to think of this



Is the constant flow of the present different to the speed of light being constant ?

I had this thought five years ago - The 2 are no different !!, and have the same effect

1) The speed of light is constant to all observers, and in the same way the rate at which the present flows is constant

2) Time travels at the speed of light, so when I see you move faster and faster relative to me, i see you start to catch up with time and that makes your clock run slower than mine, we shall not agree upon the rate of flow of time, but for both of us the flow of the present is constant and passes at the same rate, , ,

The way time behaves is academic, and explained in Einsteins "Special Theory of Relativity", but we do not know what causes time on a fundamental level, and many physicists believe just that, that it is a fundamental aspect of nature. But the cause of Time has such an extreme inability for comprehension and is so abstract, that it is one of the biggest unknowns, like why is there a Past - Present - Future, and what makes the continuous fleeting moment of the present flow to the future creating the past. Just like the cause of the Big Bang, this puzzle must be very simple, , we know how time behaves, but that's all, , , We need another Einstein to come along with a breakthrough, , ,

And as Einstein said = Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

I like to think of the simplistic idea’s and explanations, , and maybe the constant flow of the present is some kind of lag from time traveling at the speed of light, also the past and the future are either side of the present and must have an effect that could push and pull the present like being on the crest of a wave ?

The soluion is coming, when it comes it will become, and then it would of came !!.


Random Einstein stuff i have learn't - Like everything on this page, it is in my own words !!

Einstein said this in his 1905 "Special Theory of Relativity" = If you are moving with respect to me, we shall not agree upon the rate of flow of time, your clock runs slower than mine when you move, and all processes that change with time, change at a slower rate when observed in motion, One clock does not beat out time for the whole universe, a separate clock is needed for each state of motion.

Einstein's Epiphany !!

Galileo Galilei (b 15 February 1564 – d 8 January 1642), Albert Einstein published four papers in 1905. These papers are known as the "Annus Mirabilis" papers, or his "Miracle Year". The most amazing paper was "The Special Theory of Relativity" based on his Epiphany he had around 1903. He used Galileo's 1632 "Principle of Relativity" = "All steady motion is relative, and cannot be detected without reference to an outside point", Einstein used this to solve his gedanken experiment, a puzzle he had asked for 10 years from the age of 14. He said that while holding a mirror at arms distance, if when traveling at the speed of light, would i catch up to the light leaving my face to the mirror and it being stuck in transit, causing my mirror image to disappear, but i would not have to look outside my reference frame to know i am moving, and that would violate Galileo's principle. My mirror image would be normal and the same as in any other reference frame, confirming that the laws of physics have to hold true in each and every reference frame and that the speed of light is the same for all observers moving at different speeds, so each of the observers DISTANCE and TIME would have to be different values, because the DISTANCE is compressed and shorter for the moving object, so the TIME taken is less for the moving object compared to the stationary observers point of view, that is the CRUX of Time Dilation !!, The two would not agree upon the rate of flow of time, moving clocks run slow. Einstein proves that Light has a constant speed C, independent of the speed of it's source, meaning that everyone in all reference frames observe the same velocity of light to be C, at 299,792,458 meters or 186,282 miles a second.

Galileo was a bit of a genius himself, the guy who in 1633 was on house arrest for being a heretic and ostracised by the church who believed the Earth was the centre of the Universe and that the sun revolved around the Earth, when Galileo stated it was the opposite, which is all now so obvious to us, , anyway this idea of Galileo's that came from this heresy became his little known or used "Principle Of Relativity" that simply states "All steady motion is relative, and cannot be detected without reference to an outside point"

Hmmm, , ,Mick's been thinking = A photon from the sun takes 8.5 minutes or 510 seconds to reach earth, but relative to the photon traveling at 99.9999999% C, with a 22368 x time dilation, it takes just 0.0228 seconds, thats 2.28 hundredths of a second,, if you could see the trip from the photon's veiw, it would arrive on earth after 0.0228 seconds, because the distance has shrunk by 22368 times, and the photon still traveling at speed C, , , haha, hey photon, you took 510 seconds, NO !!, i took 2.28 hundredths of a second, Hmmm, a photon has a rest mass of ZERO !!, , , a non-zero rest mass would lead to an infinitely massive particle.


A computer is like the mind, it has IN-finite AP-plications. . .

Mick and Paul of "Beat Compleat" - Love is Pain 720 - 2012


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 "Micks Big Bang" By Mick Bartram (CSO of IN-AP Systems)             Copyright (C) 2025 - IN-AP Systems.