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Here's a bit of Lithium Battery Trivia for you !!

I had an odd 3 volt Li-ion battery and when I charged it, it leaked and gave off this lovely smell !!

Lithium batteries are awesome, 3 guys were credited for inventing them and got the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 2019, who remembers the naff obsolete Nickle-Cadmium cells we had for years ? !!


The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019 was awarded to John B. Goodenough, M. Stanley Whittingham and Akira Yoshino for their contributions to the development of the lithium-ion battery. Most of the electrolytes used in commercial lithium-ion batteries are non-aqueous solutions, in which Lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6) salt is dissolved in aromatic organic carbonates, in particular, mixtures of ethylene carbonate (EC) with dimethyl carbonate (DMC), propylene carbonate (PC), diethyl carbonate (DEC), and/or ethyl methyl carbonate (EMC). The technology is still being improved. Modern lithium-ion batteries have iron phosphate cathodes developed by Goodenough, which is more environmentally friendly than cobalt oxide.

Milky Way


In 1991, the lithium-ion batteries were launched commercially. Because they were lighter and more powerful than other kinds of rechargeable batteries, they made it possible to develop more powerful and portable electronic devices – such as mobile phones. The minimum lifespan most manufacturers expect from lithium-ion batteries is around 5 years or at least 2,000 charging cycles. But, if well cared for and used in proper conditions, lithium-ion batteries can last as long as 3,000 cycles..

Micks Tips !!

If left uncharged you have to charge your batteries every 4 - 6 months, because with Li-ion and Li-po, if the voltage drops bellow a certain level the battery becomes permanently damaged, , , , Dohhhhhh !!, , , And that goes for ALL !! the Lithium batteries you have laying around

Figure 15 compares the specific energy of lead-, nickel- and lithium-based systems. While Li-aluminum (NCA) is the clear winner by storing more capacity than other systems, this only applies to specific energy. In terms of specific power and thermal stability, Li-manganese (LMO) and Li-phosphate (LFP) are superior. Li-titanate (LTO) may have low capacity but this chemistry outlives most other batteries in terms of life span and also has the best cold temperature performance. Moving towards the electric powertrain, safety and cycle life will gain dominance over capacity. (LCO stands for Li-cobalt, the original Li-ion.) - Weight for weight, LCO Li-ion are 5 x better than Lead-Acid. So if we say a Lead-Acid battery has a power 5, then a LCO Li-ion battery of 1\5th the weight will have the same power.

Milky Way


It's amazing what just three 3.7 volt 18650 batteries in series at 11.1 volt and a brushed 540 DC motor can do !!







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IN-AP Systems - Established 1997

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The Awesome Lithium Battery            Copyright (C) 2025 - IN-AP Systems.