The Extinction Process
Whatever the cause, be it blast, ejecta dust, vapor haze, or soot from global fires, the global darkness that blocked
out the sun was like a twilight for 6 months, the temperature dropped to minus 20 degrees celsius like an ice house effect, and with no light,
it kills 7\10ths of animal, plant and marine life. After the sky cleared, some dinosaurs may of survived the cold and darkness,
they might never have become extinct but for the cruelest twist of fortune, with the heat of impact the rocks on the floor at
ground zero were vaporized and especialy deadly, producing leathal gasses and acids, , 1) nitrogen dioxide and nitric acid, from the nitrogen
in the atmosphere and nitrates. 2) sulfur dioxide and sulphuric acid, from the calcium sulphate. 3) carbon dioxide, from the calcium carbonate,
remember that 5,000,000,000,000 tonnes of rock turned to gas. A wide range of terrestrial species perished in the KT extinction,
the best-known being the non-avian dinosaurs along with many mammals, birds, lizards, insects and plants. In the oceans, the
extinction killed off plesiosaurs and mosasaurs and devastated teleost fish, sharks, mollusks (especially ammonites, which became
extinct), and many species of plankton. To date the KT looks like a unique event, there may of been other exinctions brought about by impact, and there was certainly other impacts that perhaps
did not cause extinctions, but there was never an impact and an extinction so closely linked and as catostrophic as KT and the
KT Extinction.