"Beat Compleat" Overview
"Beat Compleat" Formed in 2010, and we are a two piece band being Mick Bartram and Paul Hart from England, Mick on vocals, drums, Keyboards and sequencer - Paul on lead guitar and vocals - (C) Lyrics and music by Mick Bartram and Paul Hart, Most of our songs are made up of monophonic synth broken chords in the style of the mid 70s Synth pioneers :- Kraftwerk - Jean Michel Jarre - Vangelis - Early Human League and especially the 1979-83 UK synthpop movement, Gary Numan - Visage - OMD - Ultravox - Depeche Mode - YAZOO - Heaven 17 - Soft Cell - Eurythmics - Nik Kershaw - Thomas Dolby.
After spending our late teens during the 1979-83 UK synthpop period, we now miss that ice cold sound that was so unique, so our songs hark back to that time and to think the sequencers back then were 8 bit but so tight. We want to prove that you don't have to spend loads of money on flashy expensive music software, "Everything, , , As It Is" and "Love Is Pain" were made with Modplug Tracker and Audacity, and are FREE programs, We used a sequencer for the IBM compatible PC called Modplug Tracker, its a protracker clone, and used the AMIGA protracker 30 years ago to make them drum lines remember ?, we imported the four tracks from Openmpt into a 16 track digital recorder called Audacity then added vocals and a guitar solo. . The third program we use is Cubase LE AI Elements 7, I cannot stress enough how much Vince Clarke and YAZOO have influenced our music, "Don't Go" was released in 1982 and uses an awesome counter melody, we use that idea in almost all of our songs, , I play our songs through my Technics 200w 4 speaker amp LOUD, you should try it !!, , , To hear our MP3 songs, click "BC Songs" in top menu
Love is Pain - LIP is about unrequited love and is very simple, 3 - 8 beat bar patterns repeated 8 times with an intro, guitar solo and an end hook, When composing "Love is Pain" we did it in one day, i wrote the tune in 20 minutes on protracker, and thought of the first line lyric "Every time i look into, the reasons why i feel so blue", Paul went off on one and wrote the rest of the lyrics, we then recorded and mixed the song in AUDACITY, on the next day we did the video, i recorded the clips and edited the whole thing, , ,
"Every Living Thing (To LUCA)" - I thought up the idea of "ELT" while i was on the toilet having a crap, , i see a cellar spider, and thought thats a strange creature, and realized it was a surviver like all life on earth, the "Germ Line" going back 3.5 billion years to LUCA, i nearly always use a counter melody in our songs, ELT is no different. I used a - Chorus \ middle 8 \ Chorus structure for a change, i'm not that happy with the vocal, i sung it a little flat on purpose, i am usually a good singer and could do with a vocal coach. ELT asks the question, did GOD create life on Earth, YES or NO, , |
Where Do We Belong - WDWB is an Instrumental and one of our earlier compositions from 2011, we had written it with just one verse repeated twice and it sounds a bit repetitive and boring to increase the impact of the end hook, I like the video I made for this song because it includes some of my family, and family is WHERE WE BELONG |
Matted Cotton - Our song "Matted Cotton" is DARK, FREAKY and not very JOLLY, , ha ha ( "Matted Cotton" is a Metaphor ) it is about me being poisoned with an inorganic Bromide, the light sensitive Silver Bromide in 1995, while i was doing black and white chemical photography, just micro grams, it screwed up my brain chemistry and i went on a manic high for eight months (like being on something more potent than cocaine), and then crashed in a week to hit the lowest of the low, 4 weeks later i got help, and was diagnosed with Bi-Polar Effective Disorder, , , google search "Silver Bromide Hazard Sheet" - It took me 15 years to recover, , Eeeek !! |
"Everything, , , As It Is" - EAII is an instrumental and made in 2008, it was my first real attempt to write a structured song and it is made with a sequencer, an AMIGA protracker clone for the PC called OpenMPT that is very intuitive and FREE, it uses patterns with 64 note positions and i use 2 4 beat bars, the voices are 8 bit samples, "Love is Pain" was also made with OpenMPT, in 2012 we moved over to using Cubase LE AI Elements 7 |
A computer is like the mind, it has IN-finite AP-plications. . .
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