Hi, , my name is Mick from Norfolk England in the UK who owns and runs micks-sci-tech-portal, i have always been interested in the science's, and realised at high school that children always do well at subjects they enjoy, , in 1977 aged 13, there was the yearly science exam where the results were posted in the science lab corridor, i was surprized that i came 6th out of 120 pupils and i got an A grade report, i wish i had taken a photo of them results, ha, no digital camera's back then.
I started this website in 1998 26 years ago and it was very basic and i left it for 24 years. all code was edited in a TXT file as in the old way and i still do to this day. Two years ago i decided to use it and spent one week learning how to code menu's, email contact, paypal\credit card payment, adding video and MP3 playback, and surprised at the play video code being just one short line [video controls="controls" src="LF.mp4"]
that was Awesome , , at first i decided having a guestbook, it worked perfect but a nightmare with people hijacking it posting garbage with nothing to do with my website or it's content so i removed the guestbook. I then decided to have a send E-mail contact option to receive E-mails from customers or users which is a must for any website.
I have been a computer technician since 1996 getting my A level A grade Computer Science degree in that year and forming "IN-AP Systems", a company building, maintaining and repairing custom built IBM compatible computer systems for business networks and personal computers, in 1998 we moved into computer security, hacking into weak open systems, a time when microsoft supplied no firewall and we gained total control of some business systems, of cource we informed them telling them how to secure their servers for a hefty price, the first two steps being having the ATGUARD firewall and the simple solution of having an eight charactor password that does not appear in the dictionary like &Hn#63)F that a decrypter would never solve and take forever, I remember one evening in 2001 while IP scanning, me and kerry hacked into a company server that was totally open and had a shared C drive that we could MAP, how foolish was that !!, we took the two files that make up the REGISTRY (USER.DAT and SYSTEM.DAT) and found the RAT VNC password HEX hash key #FF10A5EB6C37D292, i said give me it and i will put it through my VNC password decryptor, it took less than five seconds to decrypt and came up with the password "ovature" we put it in our VNC client end and BINGO we had total control of their server !!, We contacted the company to let them know, telling them the details and giving advice for £600. I also setup and used the awesome (BO2k) BACK ORIFCE 2000 - RAT\HACKING TOOL, you would be amazed at what we found on some computers, Awwwwww the good old days.
I first had a commodore 64 in 1984 learning programming with the official "CBM64 Programers Reference Guide" and from the excellent INPUT magazine series, a weekly 52 week course in programming. I used TURBOTAPE to speed up the cassette board rate by 10x, and after loading a game i did a warm reset by shorting out pin 1 amd 3 of the USER port, i wired up a switch for that purpose, the first four bytes of the start of basic memory starting at 2048 are wiped in a warm reset, but if you poke the four bytes back you can list the basic program, usualy being something like "10 SYS 2084", after saving an area of memory with the INPUT machine code monitor using TURBOTAPE i got "manic miner" down from 340 cassette counts to 48. In 1988 i bought the legendary COMMODORE AMIGA A500 learning Motorola 68000 Assembly Language. In 1993, i intercepted the protracker sequencer code to get the note data eg 0001A500, and use it as an offset with indirect addressing pointing to the position data for 3 sprites that i made move across the keys of a 5 octave 1 bitmap keyboard image, , if you try to play a single piano sample over 3 octaves, you get terrible aliasing noise, so I used 3 samples an octave apart to cover 5 octaves, , , i loved my A500 so much !!
A computer is like the mind, it has IN-finite AP-plications. . .